Temporary Health Insurance

health care
is #1
Temporary health insurance is great for individuals and families in-between jobs; or for college students and recent graduates!

Choose your state and click on "G0" and you'll be on your way to getting a quote.

Affordable temporary health insurance that will cover you for only a certain fixed period of time (choices of from 1 month to up to one year in most states, and up to 6 months in some others).

PGA Financial Insurance Services

Temporary Health Insurance

Ideal for those about to apply for long term health insurance. Have temporary health insurance in place first, so if you get turned down by the long term one, at least you'll have temporary health insurance until you can get something else.
    (909) 790-8622 service@1healthinsurance.com
Lee Charles Martinson, Business Domicile: 34455 Yucaipa Blvd. #209    Yucaipa, CA 92399. California license #0629626.

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